How is lidar data stored?

Lidar data is stored in one or more LAS or LAZ files (compressed form of LAS), the industry standard binary format for storing LIDAR data. Lidar data files can be quite large and contain billions of 3D points. These massive data files can affect the processing speed and responsiveness of the software that loads them. Because point cloud data is so extensive and detailed, file sizes can be extremely large.

The industry standard is to store it in a binary format called LAS. This format was created and maintained by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). This standard format allows the exchange of data and, at the same time, maintaining all the required information. The Lidar or Light Detection and Ranging is an active remote sensing system that can be used to measure the height of vegetation in large areas.

For example, it may be necessary to remove a water LIDAR return from the final output data set, but it must remain and be managed in the LAS file as a collected LIDAR point.

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